Title: Bad Boy Fandom: The X Files/SG-1 Characters: Mulder/Vala Prompt: handcuffs Word Count: 366 Rating: G Summary: When asked if you have handcuffs, assume you’ve done something wrong or someone else is about to do something wrong. Notes: Written for lizamanynames. 26/10/09.
Title: Other Life Forms Fandom: Bones/The X Files Characters: Brennan/Mulder Prompt: #007 Don't be afraid Word Count: 309 Rating: G Summary: "Don't be afraid," he whispers in her ear. Notes: Written for 10_passions. 21/10/08.
Title: Snap Fandom: The X Files Characters: Scully & Mulder Prompt: bad mood Word Count: 794 Rating: G Summary: Scully has gone off the deep end. Mulder follows. As does a pencil. Notes: Written for banana7pancakes. This one is a little rough and I have nooo idea how it evolved into.. well, this. Hopefully it's somewhat enjoyable regardless.
Title: Frosty Payback Fandom: The X Files Characters: Scully & Mulder Prompt: Walk in the snow Word Count: 497 Rating: G Summary: Mulder wants to find Frosty the snowman. Notes: Written for dreximgirl. 26/11/11.
Title: The Last Time Fandom: The X Files Characters: Scully/Mulder Prompt: #056 Argument & In XF:IWTB, Mulder agrees to work on the case on one condition. Expand on that. Word Count: 246 Rating: T+ Summary: "What condition?" Scully asks. She fixes cool blue eyes on Mulder. Careful. Cautious. Notes: Written for 100_situations and phyrelight. 17/8/09.
Title: Keychain Musings Fandom: The X Files Characters: Scully/Mulder Prompt: Keychain (Alphabet Meme) Word Count: 250 Rating: G Summary: She fiddles with the keychain Mulder gave her, while it’s still buried in her pocket. Notes: Written for hazel_eyes_86. 17/3/10.
Title: Butterflies & Moths Fandom: The X Files Characters: Scully/Mulder Prompt: butterflies Word Count: 175 Rating: G Summary: The past chases like butterflies on the wind. Notes: Written for an_ardent_rain. 7/12/10.
Title: Diary Fandom: The X Files Characters: Scully/Mulder Word Count: 217 Rating: G Summary: Today is another of the days where my mortality is in the forefront of my mind. Warning: Written for eccentricrabbit. 26/11/10.
Title: His Return Home Fandom: The X Files Characters: Scully/Mulder Prompt: #004 Desperate Word Count: 163 Rating: G Summary: Desperation claws at each and every one of us. Notes: Written for fanfic50. 25/07/09.
Title: Pink Dress Fandom: The X Files Characters: Scully/Mulder Prompt: #037 Admit Word Count: 163 Rating: T+ Summary: "Admit it, Mulder," she says firmly. "You couldn't keep your eyes off of her." Notes: Written for fanfic50.